MHWI Teostra Dual Blades TA + Clutch Claw - 4’38”60 Element: 330 Lightning (Effective Element: 57) (Handicraft 4, Effective Element: 62).Raw Damage: 322 (343 Effective Raw)(Handicraft 4: 361 Effective Raw).Handicraft 4: 40 hits of purple, 40 hits of white.This will also usually enrage the monster too. Since you’re a light weapon, Agitator is going to be active fairly often Since you need to hit the monster three times with your claw before you do a dismounting attack to create a weak spot.Protective Polish, purple sharpness, and a 10% base critical gives this weapon a lot of sustained damage.Lots of lightning element after you get purple sharpness and full custom mods.This build maximizes the sharpness of the Kadachi Greathawks, while also keeping your damage high through Critical Eye, Thunder Attack, and Agitator. If you’re going for raw damage output, I recommend your build to look like this: I’d recommend Wundurkirins if you’re looking for something more comfortable. Wundurkirins can also do the trick here, but Kadachi Greathawks II have the benefit of just having more effective element when you finish creating the build.